Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility is promoted within the Company at all levels. More specifically, the Company is committed to adopt responsible policies and practices across the range of its operations and to keep long lasting relationships with its partners.

The Company, by highly investing in young talent and in giving opportunity to students, is constantly collaborating with educational institutions, assisting students either by completing various questionnaires for research purposes or by inviting them in Company’s premise to provide them with working experience and life information for their theses.

The protection of the environment is considered by the Company one of the major issues faced nowadays. The Company has been certified with ISO 14001 with the aim to identifying all environmental aspects and reducing their impacts on the environment.

Stakeholders’ opinion is taken into great consideration and is monitored through Customers’ Satisfaction Survey reports and KPIs. Adoption of ISO 9001 by the Company is an additional way to improve Company’s processes and focus even more to its stakeholders.

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